Curcuma is a herbaceous ornamental ginger known as The Siam or Summer Tulip.
Often referred to as the ‘Jewel of Burma’, Cucurma ‘Alismatifolia’ demands attention.
This herbaceous ornamental ginger offers clusters of distinctive, pine-cone shaped flowers with multiple layers of pink petals. Also called the Siam or Summer Tulip, the long-lasting blooms of Cucurma are an excellent option for enlivening borders and containers throughout the summer months.
A single rhizome can produce up to 5 glorious blooms for a generous display, providing ample flowers to admire in the garden and in the vase. Provided with shelter, full sun and protection from frost, this tropical wonder will be richly rewarding.
White Wonder
A quirky horticultural marvel, Cucurma ‘White Wonder’ is a unique, exciting curiosity for the discerning gardener.
This tropical perennial is quick to capture attention with its distinctive appearance and spicy fragrance. Cucurma is a variety of turmeric that is as valuable in the garden as it is in the kitchen. Intricate layers of bracts form pinecone-shaped inflorescences of glistening white and lime green.
These blooms are produced all through the summer and into autumn against a backdrop of luscious foliage. The tall stems make long-lasting cut flowers for a remarkable bouquet. Treat your Cucurma to warm, rich, moist soil and protect from frost.