Since 1868 de Jager has been producing top quality, top sized bulbs. The large sizes do make an enormous difference, providing bigger flowers, stronger stems, and better naturalisation. Choose from over 450 varieties and transform your garden with scent and colour. Autumn Flowering Bulbs now available to order.
Bearing purple-blue funnel-shaped blooms from late spring until autumn, Achimenes ‘Mexicana’ is a stunning, low maintenance perennial which is native to Central and South America.
For months on end, the gently cascading foliage is liberally decorated with an abundance of rich blue flowers with soft-white throats.
Related to African Violets and Gloxinias, colourful and showy Achimenes make excellent container companions to Begonias and smaller Dahlias.
When the foliage starts to die back in autumn, allow your containers to dry out, or dig up the scaly rhizomes and store in a frost-free place until re-planting the following spring.
Africanus Blue
Globes of rich sky-blue flowers are borne from June to August on Agapanthus ‘Africanus Blue’, from a bed of strap-like foliage.
Native to South Africa, these members of the lily family are true gems for the summer garden - ideal for large pots and stunning in a mixed border as a gently swaying, bold swathe of colour.
The flowers are excellent for cutting, with long, strong stems which make them brilliant for arranging as accent flowers.
Although hardy in warmer, southerly regions and coastal areas, we recommend protecting your Agapanthus plants over winter by mulching the crowns, or by bringing containers undercover during the coldest months.
Garden Party
Oriental lily ‘Garden Party’ is a shorter lily variety, perfect for summer patio pots. Emitting a heady fragrance, the showy flowers feature large, reflexed petals which give an exotic appearance.
Ideal for cutting, the glorious blooms are white in colour, with a gold band blushing to pink as it tapers down the centre of each petal. Burgundy freckles speckle the petal surfaces and enhance Garden Party’s tropical looks along with dusty rust-orange stamens.
As a mark of excellence, this wonderful lily has been awarded a certificate of garden merit from the RHS.
Aurea Lutea
Bearing clusters of numerous golden-yellow flowers on tall stems, Alstroemeria ‘Aurea Lutea’ makes an excellent cut flower and is brilliant for brightening borders with its rich, sunny tones.
The long-lasting flowers are adored by pollinators and feature pretty freckles on their upper and lower petals. Long, curved stamens give an exotic look to the lily-shaped blooms which appear from June to October.
A hardy and exquisitely beautiful Peruvian lily, Alstroemeria ‘Aurea Lutea’ has been granted an Award of Garden Merit from the RHS for its flawless looks and faultless performance.
The vibrant, tangerine flowers of this beautiful large-flowered begonia are excellent for adding bright pops of colour to your summer container displays. Fully double blooms flower for months on end, from May until at least September in glorious, saturated shades of orange.
Begonias thrive best in light soil which is rich in leaf-mould, in a position in part shade where the layered flowers shimmer as they catch the light.
Fill pots, hanging baskets, window-boxes, and unusual vintage containers with the tubers of long-flowering begonias for a show-stopping display.
One of the first to flower from late winter into spring, Cyclamen ‘Coum’ seeds and spreads freely to provide carpets of much-needed colour early in the season.
Dainty blooms flit above the ground like butterfly wings in varying shades of pink. The dark green foliage is laced with silver veining, offering decorative groundcover for shady spots. These charming Cyclamen are an asset to any garden, ideally suited to planting beneath trees and shrubs, naturalising in grass and planting in patio pots and window boxes.
The RHS has granted this variety a much-coveted Award of Garden Merit for its reliability and disease-resistance.
Spot autumn-flowering Amaryllis ‘Belladonna’ in the border and you feel as though you have stumbled upon garden treasure. Beautifully scented, exquisite pink flowers are borne in clusters, atop tall, fleshy red stems. The fine, lily-shaped blooms are followed by glossy, strap-like foliage.
Sometimes known as the Belladonna, Jersey or March lily, South African native Amaryllis Belladonna, has been granted a prestigious Award of Garden Merit from the RHS for garden brilliance.
Grow this showy Amaryllis in clusters or clumps to bloom above shorter plants; we think it looks great with the simple silver foliage of Brunnera, Convovulus and Stachys Byzantina.
The only hardy variety for growing outdoors, Zantedeschia ‘Aethiopica’ is stately and serene. Reaching a statuesque height of up to 90cm, ‘Aethiopica’ stands head and shoulders above most Zantedeschia. Pure white, hooded spathes form a sleek vase shape, held above a backdrop of glossy, arrow-head leaves.
Originating from swampy regions of Africa, these perennials prefer a moisture-retentive soil and are well-suited to growing as a marginal water plant.
Bearing the accolade of an RHS Award of Garden Merit for reliability, this robust variety will soon form lush clumps. The sturdy, long-stemmed blooms are highly valued as long-lasting cut flowers.
Resembling dainty quails’ eggs, Zephyranthes ‘Candida’ feature a bright yellow centre surrounded by white petals. Bursting open in successive flushes, the crocus-like, cupped blooms are borne on slender stems, surrounded by linear, grassy foliage.
These neat, petite alpines prefer a sunny location and will tolerate a range of soil conditions. The diminutive flowers are best appreciated in rockeries, gravel gardens and containers where they can be viewed up close. Naturalising readily, you will soon have a carpet of these charmers to enliven your late summer display.
These half-hardy perennials will need some protection from winter wet and frost to guarantee a repeat display every year.
Blanda Blue Shades
Anemone Blanda ‘Blue Shades’ offers a sea of serene, clear blue, even when the skies are grey.
A highly sought-after colour in the natural world, these easy, breezy blues are a breath of fresh air for your garden. Featuring petals in shades ranging from bright cobalt to powder blue, promoting a feeling of restful tranquillity.
The serrated, finely cut foliage provides brilliant, weed-suppressing groundcover. These bulbs will readily naturalise and have earned an RHS Award of Garden Merit for their reliability.
Underplant later-flowering perennials, shrubs and trees, edge paths, and fill containers for a dreamy, soft wash of calming colour throughout spring.
Berlin Giant
The Queen named Lily of the Valley as her favourite flower – the beautiful, pearl-like ivory bells have featured heavily in royal wedding bouquets, signifying love and fidelity. The distinctive, heady aroma of these humble blooms is often used in luxury perfumes.
‘Berlin Giant’ is an improved strain, with larger blooms and taller stems than the standard varieties, earning itself an RHS Award of Garden Merit. Lily of the Valley pips will quickly naturalise into impressive drifts in the right setting, thriving in shady woodland environments.
The elongated stems of ‘Berlin Giant’ make it the ultimate cut flower to fill your home with fragrance.
The fuchsia-pink blooms of pendula begonia ‘Cascade Pink’ tumble over the edges of your pots and hanging baskets all summer, with wild exuberance. Double, hot-pink flowers bloom for months on end from late spring, adding bold, welcoming colour and plenty of charm to the garden.
Dark-green, veined foliage adds wonderful depth to the plants, which thrive best in dappled shade, in soil rich with leaf-mould.
Make a statement by planting several tubers in a large container for a bountiful, lush look, or be adventurous and combine with contrasting begonias.
Blanche de Meru
The charming bell-shaped, bi-coloured blooms of Gloxinia ‘Blanche de Meru’ are displayed in a compact cluster, like a petite posy for your windowsill. Each petal is strikingly edged in deep pink, highlighting a snow-white centre.
Native to Southern Brazil, Gloxinia enjoy warm temperatures – around 60°F (16°C) is ideal. A highly attractive plant to brighten up the house or conservatory, ‘Blanche de Meru’ will flower for a stretch of several months. The button-like blooms are especially effective displayed in rows of terracotta pots.
All the delight of a Pina Colada, encapsulated in a plant! Eucomis ‘Autumnalis’ is otherwise known as the ‘Pineapple Flower’ and is characterised by its crown of bracts resembling the top of a pineapple.
Sturdy spikes of pure white buds open progressively, unfurling into star-shaped blooms with glittering anthers. Hailing from South Africa, this tender perennial will add tropical panache to your beds, borders, and containers in the summer months.
Simply overwinter indoors to provide protection from cold snaps and waterlogging. Boasting an RHS Award of Garden Merit, you can be sure your Eucomis ‘Autumnalis’ will be strong and robust.
With the dramatic, architectural leaves and vibrant, floriferous spires of Hedychium ‘Gardnerianum’, your garden will be transformed into a lush jungle. A member of the ginger family, this spectacular plant boasts a mass of tropical, verdant foliage.
Soaring above the leathery leaves, sturdy stems are packed with scented, lemon-yellow blooms, followed by vivid red seedpods. This variety is one of the hardiest Hedychiums for growing in the UK and has been bestowed with an RHS Award of Garden Merit for reliable performance.
Given protection from frost, ‘Gardnerianum’ will prove to be a vigorous perennial for your summer display.
Soft yet vibrant, Non-Stop Pink begonias grace the garden with blooms in gentle shades of blush and rose.
Their rounded petals form dense, lush flowers which create a romantic atmosphere in containers, window boxes, or garden beds.
Perfect for bringing a delicate, yet rich, colour to shadier spots.
Gentle Romance
Deep pink petals softening to pale tips make Gentle Romance a graceful addition to terraces, patios, and conservatories. These elegant blooms exude serenity, bringing delicate charm to containers or garden spaces.
Their subtle tones balance bold colours, creating a soothing centrepiece perfect for enhancing outdoor or indoor displays.
Stricta Mixed
Each upright spire of Babiana ‘Stricta Mixed’ carries up to ten, trumpet-shaped blooms for a highly floriferous display, even in a compact space.
A charming assortment of pale purples, these flowers are often likened to Freesias. Native to South Africa, Babiana are commonly known as ‘baboon flowers’ because baboons are known to eat the corms – not such a problem here in the UK!
Their petite stature makes them ideally suited to containers, rockeries, and border edges in sheltered locations. Babiana ‘Stricta’ has earned itself an RHS Award of Garden Merit for outstanding vigour and performance.
Double Mixed
With delightful petticoats of petals, vibrant colour, and exceptional scent, this ‘Double Freesia Mixture’ is a superb addition to your early summer display. A pleasing, joyful combination of pink, mauve, yellow, orange, and white, this kaleidoscopic collection brings instant pizazz to borders, beds, and containers.
Freesias truly come into their own as cut flowers. Their spiced, citrus, fresh fragrance is often used in perfumes, and a home-grown bunch will act as a natural scent diffuser in your home. These specially selected varieties boast long, strong stems which are perfect for filling vases and giving in bouquets to loved ones.
Unique and highly rewarding to grow, Hymenocallis ‘Festalis’ will bring a fairy-like delicacy to your floral display. With a heavenly fragrance reminiscent of scented narcissi, this ‘Peruvian Daffodil’ offers a long flowering window throughout the summer.
Lacy, ivory-white trumpets are encircled by a distinctive halo of fine, elongated tepals curling back on themselves. ‘Festalis’ has earned the much-coveted RHS Award of Garden Merit for its excellent performance and dependability.
The tall, sturdy stems also make exceptional cut flowers and forced bulbs to savour indoors, filling the room with their irresistible perfume.
Collarette Alstergrusse
Dahlia ‘Alstergrusse’ is a dwarf collarette dahlia, bearing masses of pretty citrus-orange cartwheels.
The vibrant, open-faced blooms smother neat foliage from July to October, shining out against a dark-green backdrop. Delightful in a tropical colour scheme with coral-reds and rich yellow tones.
This productive and petite dahlia is also perfect for patio pots and colourful summer containers.
Grown with taller varieties such as ‘Jive’ and ‘Honka Yellow’, ‘Collarette Alstergrusse’ will beam at the forefront of the border.
An unusual gem to enliven lacklustre, shaded areas of the garden, Roscoea ‘Auriculata’ produces dainty, royal purple, orchid-like blooms set against lance-like leaves. Part of the Ginger family, Roscoea have an exotic, delicate appearance, yet unlike most relatives of Ginger, these are native to cold, mountainous regions and are found growing at great altitude in the Himalayas.
Roscoea is therefore used to challenging conditions and is fully hardy. This vigorous variety has earned an RHS Award of Garden Merit for its reliable performance. Best planted in dappled shade such as the edge of a woodland garden, and beneath shrubs and trees.
Camelia, Pink & White Double Mix
A pretty duo of ruffled begonias for filling summer pots and baskets. The double begonias in this bountiful mix resemble rosette-like camellia flowers.
Blooming endlessly from May to September, in soft shades of rose-pink and fresh, crystal white.
Begonias thrive in soil enriched with leaf-mould, in a spot in light shade.
An excellent choice for creating eye-catching, floriferous hanging baskets and glamorous garden pots, spilling over with colour. A bed of lush, serrated green foliage provides a perfect backdrop for the froth of flowers.
Amarine ‘Anastasia’ is perfect for bringing a welcome pop of colour to the garden in autumn. Rich rose-pink flowers are produced in clusters at the top of long, slender stems.
Elegant and alluring Amarines are a cross between Nerines and Amaryllis and are suitable for sunny borders and containers.
The flowers look a little like lilies, with long stamens and delicate recurved petals. They make exceptional cut flowers. Dotted along the centre of a table in slim vases, Amarines create a spectacular, simple tablescape.
Park Princess
Cactus dahlia ‘Park Princess’ adds a soft and feminine flourish to pots and borders in summer, with upward-facing, urchin-like pink blooms.
From July until October, dahlias famously bloom with vigour, thriving in rich soil and full sun.
Long and pointed, rolled petals of rose-pink make up the extraordinary large blooms of this stunning dahlia. The astounding flowerheads appear opalescent as petals fade to almost-white.
As a bedding dahlia plant, compact ‘Park Princess’ is ideal for container planting, and for embellishing the front to middle of the garden border.
Glamini ‘Amber’ is a new ‘mini’ form of gladioli, perfect for summer containers, and for growing near the front of a border. The versatile flower spikes are ideal for punctuating a planting scheme with textured spires and make wonderful cut flowers.
Ruffled, creamy blooms with a hint of lilac, are packed along stems, opening from the base up from July onwards. Cut just as the lower buds begin to show colour for the longest vase-life.
Glamini are best grown in fertile, well-drained soil, in a sunny spot. Plant the corms a week or two apart throughout spring for a long succession of pretty ivory flowers.
The ultimate autumnal jewel for perking up flagging borders, Nerine Bowdenii will steal the show from September to October. The warming, magenta pink flowers are overlaid with a glinting, iridescent sheen.
Held in clusters on long, fine stems, each delicate bloom features slim, reflexed petals with finely crimped edges. Native to South Africa, Nerines enjoy basking in full sun, planted in well-drained soil.
This much-loved variety is the hardiest of all and has earned an RHS Award of Garden Merit for vigour and reliability. Snip a few stems to enjoy indoors just as other garden blooms are becoming scarce.
Gold Fever
The pale lemon blooms of Oriental lily ‘Gold Fever’ bring freshness to summer pots and garden containers.
The exotic-looking flowers feature a cluster of burnt-orange anthers, standing proudly on stamens at the centre of each large bloom. A light dusting of red freckles brings delicate contrast to the soft yellow colouring of this regal lily.
Bulbs can be planted in spring or autumn, into well-drained, gritty compost, for flowers between July and August.
Agapanthus Collection
A beautiful, tonal Agapanthus Collection to evoke a feeling of long, summer days spent under the sun, near the coast.
In fresh shades of azure blue, navy and crisp-white, this stunning trio will flower from June until August, bringing fabulous architecture as well as colour to summer containers and borders.
Spear-like, budded stems erupt from strap-like foliage, before breaking open to reveal a stellar display of tiny, trumpet-shaped blooms.
South-African native Agapanthus enjoy full sun and are tolerant of harsh winds. The plants look timeless and elegant grown in traditional terracotta pots, lining pathways and filling deep borders.
Collection of 1 x White Agapanthus and 2 x Blue Agapanthus varieties.
The dainty, petite umbels of Tulbaghia ‘Violacea’ offer a surprising range of benefits both in the garden and in the kitchen. Clusters of fairy-like violet blooms dance above narrow, grey-green leaves, perfect for edging borders, and adorning rockeries and container displays.
Otherwise known as ‘Society Garlic’, all parts of this plant are edible with the potent scent and flavour of chives. The roots are said to possess antibacterial and antifungal properties, boosting soil health alongside plants prone to fungal disease, such as roses.
This drought-resistant, half-hardy perennial has been granted an Award of Garden Merit by the RHS for its versatility and high performance.
Iron Cross
Oxalis ‘Iron Cross’ is so-called for its quatrefoil leaflets, emblazoned with a dark purple, cross-shaped motif at the centre. Each leaf has a mesmerising nyctinastic habit, opening fully in the sunshine and folding shut at night. In addition to the fascinating foliage, this Oxalis flaunts striking, carmine-pink flowers dangling from long, fine stems.
This rewarding plant proves highly versatile, thriving in rock gardens, containers, and borders, as well as making an easy-going, ornamental houseplant.
Often referred to as the ‘Good Luck’ plant for its resemblance to a four-leaved clover, you will feel fortunate to add Oxalis ‘Iron Cross’ to your collection.
Happy Carmen
Canna ‘Happy Carmen’ is part of the ‘Happy’ series, enthusiastically spreading joy and cheer in your garden.
Growing to a height of 50cm, this variety has been hybridised to produce large flowers on a smaller footprint. You can enjoy all the dramatic flair of cannas on a more compact plant, making it suitable for confined spaces and containers.
Sporting vibrant scarlet blooms held on sturdy stems, the red petals are complemented by lush, verdant foliage, with broad, ribbed leaves. Flowering from July to October, these tender perennials make a spectacular statement throughout the summer and autumn months.
Happy Emily
Plant canna ‘Happy Emily’ to be transported to a tropical island from the comfort of your own garden.
The golden yellow blooms speckled with orange suggest the sunshine of warmer climes, even on a grey day. Large, paddle-shaped, bright green foliage brings a fresh, lush feel.
Happy by name and happy by nature, these compact plants are laden with flowers from July to October. Specially bred to provide all the splendour of cannas with more petite proportions, this variety reaches 50cm in height. ‘Happy Emily’ is ideal for enhancing patio displays, containers and smaller spaces.
Blue Rhythm
A true rhapsody in blue, Iris ‘Blue Rhythm’ flaunts cornflower blooms overlaid by a scintillating silver sheen. This variety is reminiscent of the Iris paintings by Vincent Van Gogh: the artist made was fascinated by the way the cobalt petals were so prominent against surrounding colours.
Likewise, the azure shades and loose waves of ‘Blue Rhythm’ will stand out amongst your borders. An historic Bearded Iris of superb form, this marvellous variety has deservedly garnered multiple awards.
With the bonus of a distinctive lemony scent, this Iris will draw bees and butterflies to your garden from far and wide.
Baurii Mars
Rose-pink clusters spread across compact green foliage in Rhodohypoxis Baurii Mars. Small yet vibrant, these flowers deliver colour and cheer to rockeries, containers, or patio gardens.
The reliable growth and striking hues make this a versatile addition, perfect for enhancing small spaces with natural charm and simplicity.
Large, deep orange flowers with multi-petalled forms bring richness to Ranunculus Orange.
Popular among florists, these striking blooms enhance garden borders and containers alike. Their bold tones and full texture add warmth and visual appeal, making this a reliable feature in both outdoor and floral designs.
Berliner Kleene
A new, dwarf dahlia, perfect for summer pots. ‘Berliner Kleene’ bears masses of rose-pink, waterlily blooms, from midsummer into autumn.
A profusion of pretty flowers will continue to pour out from this compact plant - simply keep on top of watering, feeding, and deadhead spent flowerheads as you notice them.
Best grown near the front of a garden border, or in a large container where the blooms will glisten. Combine with textural grasses and tall, airy stems which can grow up through the foliage for added interest and movement.
Tuberosa The Pearl
Polianthes Tuberosa ‘The Pearl’ will stop you in your tracks before you even see the blooms. Its luxurious heady, sweetly spiced perfume hovers in the air, pervading your home and garden.
In addition to incredible scent, this variety brings ineffable beauty, with spires of double, waxen flowers shining like precious pearls.
Often referred to as the world’s ‘most scented’ bulb, Polianthes makes a superlative cut flower, acting as a natural air freshener. Ideal for growing in greenhouses, conservatories, and sunny patio planters in the summer, ‘The Pearl’ has been granted an RHS Award of Garden Merit as testament to its reliability.
Double Mixed
Most flowers look good. But how many make you stop, close your eyes, and breathe them in? Scented double freesias do more than fill your garden with colour, they infuse the air with a fragrance so intoxicating, high-end perfumers use them as a signature note. A few blooms can fill your entire patio with that familiar and attractive citrusy, spicey, sweet aroma, which lingers long after the sun sets.
Special offer - 50 Double Flowering Freesia bulbs, normal price inc, P&P £17.92, now whilst stocks last ONLY £9.99 with FREE P&P
de Jager Scented Double Flowering Freesia are no ordinary bulbs as they give:
- Layered, double-petaled blooms in striking shades akin to the colours of the rainbow.
- Exceptionally long-lasting flowers, perfect for cutting and bringing indoors
- A magnet for butterflies and bees, turning any garden into a pollinator’s paradise
- An incredible fragrance which floats on the summer breeze
- Effortless Elegance: Easy to grow and thriving in full sun with well-draining soil, double freesias reward minimal effort with maximum beauty. The compact size makes these perfect for both expansive gardens and cozy urban balconies.
…and unlike some fickle, high-maintenance flowers, freesias thrive in pots, borders, and beds, delivering endless beauty for you, whatever your experience as a gardener.
Picture an evening spent outdoors, a soft breeze carrying the delicate perfume of freshly opened freesias. Or a quiet morning with a cup of tea, the sun catching their brilliant petals, their scent rising, offering you an invitation to savour the moment and enjoy the fruits of your gardening endeavours.
Right now, a fresh batch of premium scented double freesia bulbs is available. Join the gardeners who have already discovered the charm of these mesmerising blooms. Secure your scented double freesia bulbs today. Let this season’s garden do more than just look like a small piece of paradise…and allow colour and scent to weave together to create something extraordinary.
Otherwise known as the ‘Fireball Lily’, Scadoxus ‘Multiflorus’ puts on a spectacular firework display for shady areas of your garden. Scarlet red, starry blooms culminate in long, golden anthers reminiscent of a sparkler. Each large, spherical flower head is held on a thick, sturdy stem atop lush foliage.
Native to woodland areas of tropical Africa, Scadoxus thrives in moist, well-drained soil in a shaded position. Lift bulbs in the autumn to protect from winter wet and frosts, ready to replant in spring for an even better performance the following season.
‘Multiflora’ has been granted an RHS Award of Garden Merit for outstanding, reliable performance.
Happy Julia
Effortlessly transform your garden into a jungle oasis with the finery of canna ‘Happy Julia’. This variety boasts beautiful bronze-green foliage, offering superb ornamental interest even before the buds unfurl.
Flowering from July to October, the billowing blooms of salmon-orange will further ignite your summer and autumn display. The ‘Happy’ series has been hybridised to create a perfectly proportioned, bantam variety of canna.
‘Happy Julia’ reaches a height of 50cm, bringing intense colour to containers, patio displays and petite spaces. This vigorous tender perennial will soon steal the limelight with the blazing brilliance of its vibrant flowers and luxuriant foliage.
The striking Sprekelia ‘Formosissima’ is aptly named, derived from the Latin meaning ‘perfectly formed and beautiful’. Clad in velvety crimson, the large, showy blooms strike a dramatic pose. The three lower petals are partially fused together and the upper three are separated, with one upright tepal and two laterally outspread.
At the centre, elegant, elongated stamens are crowned by golden anthers. Otherwise known as the ‘Aztec Lily’, Sprekelia are native to Mexico and are part of the Amaryllis family.
With their fascinating form and brilliant colouring, these tender bulbs make eye-catching additions to summer patio containers, and to greenhouse and conservatory displays.
Alba Grandiflora
OUT OF STOCKAlba Grandiflora
The exquisite blooms of Tigrida ‘Alba Grandiflora’ flaunt three broad, pure white outer petals encompassing an intricate, cup-shaped centre of burgundy speckles. Also referred to as the Mexican Shell, Peacock or Tiger Flower, Tigrida are noted for their showy blooms and mesmerising markings.
Much like Daylilies, each individual flower opens in full splendour for one day before fading, to be immediately replaced by a fresh flush the following morning. This continual production of new buds makes for a long-lasting, vigorous, plentiful display.
Over winter these half-hardy bulbs in a frost-free location for an encore performance next season.
Also known as ‘wand flowers’, Ixia ‘Giant’ brings a magical touch with clusters of twinkling, starry, ivory-white flowers embellished with purple-maroon hearts. As its name suggests, this variety bears particularly sizeable blooms on tall stems.
Native to South Africa, these tender corms are gratifying and easy to grow – simply offer protection from frost and plant on free-draining soil in plenty of sunshine.
‘Giant’ is ideal for patio planters, where the pretty blooms can be admired up close and moved to a sheltered location over winter. Renowned for their superiority as cut flowers, Ixia have an excellent vase life for delightful floral arrangements.
Petite spears of Glamini ‘Kim’ are ideal for summer containers and garden borders. The stature of these mini-gladioli are much smaller than the taller, sword-like stems of giant gladioli, which are often grown for cutting and for adding height and colour to garden beds.
Ruffled blooms of blackcurrant-purple swirled with creamy white cloak stems, opening from the bottom upwards during late summer.
Excellent for cutting to add to bouquets and summer flower arrangements.
Plant the corms in spring, at intervals a week or two apart for a succession of purple blooms.
Africanus White
Grow chic, tall stems of bobbing white globes with Agapanthus ‘Africanus White’.
Umbels of stunning, pure white flowers bloom between June and August, bringing an elegant look to planting schemes, and suiting both contemporary and traditional gardens.
The graceful stems are perfect for cutting and adding height, shape and texture to summer floral arrangements and bouquets, just as they do in the border.
Agapanthus can be grown in large containers of well-drained soil and as part of a mixed, herbaceous bed. Protection from frost is advisable in colder regions by bringing containers inside, or by mulching the crowns.
The vivid, carmine-pink blooms of this large, double begonia are perfect for adding a splash of vibrant colour to summer containers.
Huge, rippled flowers shine against deep green, serrated foliage - a wonderful contrast for the soft, rose-like blooms.
Plant to fill and spill from summer hanging baskets, pots, window-boxes, and garden urns.
Brilliant begonias thrive in partial shade, in light and rich soil, flowering in profusion from May until autumn.
Aurea Orange King
Bring a rush of fiery colour to summer and autumn borders with Alstroemeria ‘Aurea Orange King’.
From June until October, this exotic-looking Peruvian lily bears clusters of glowing, funnel-shaped orange flowers with a golden-yellow upper lip and dark speckles.
Invaluable as cut flowers, Alstroemeria are loved for their tropical looks and exceptional vase-life, often lasting for 2-3 weeks in fresh water.
This eye-catching, tangerine-toned Alstroemeria proudly holds an Award of Garden Merit, granted by the Royal Horticultural Society as a mark of excellence.
Deep purple-red blooms bring luxury and drama to Zantedeschia Allure. With sculptural petals and rich tones, these classy flowers create strong statements in containers and garden borders.
The commanding presence enhances planting schemes, providing a sophisticated, glowing feature for your summer garden designs.
Coum Album
With delicate, white flowers fluttering like a flurry of snowflakes, Cyclamen ‘Coum Alba’ is a superb early-season variety, blooming for weeks on end.
Lightly marbled, dark green foliage shows off the pearly blooms to perfection, and provides beautiful, ornamental groundcover. These little gems are a delightful complement to snowdrops and hellebores, ideal for underplanting trees and shrubs and filling container displays.
Hardy and easy-going, the RHS have bestowed this variety with their prestigious Award of Garden Merit. Cyclamen ‘Coum Alba’ provides a glimmer of floral joy during the darker months of the year.
Red & Yellow Mix
Our begonia fimbriata ‘Red and Yellow Mix’ is a vibrant, joyous duo of uplifting colour, featuring contrasting blooms of rich scarlet red and canary yellow.
Each plant bears masses of magnificent blooms for a sensational display. The multi-layered petals are intricately fringed with crinkled edges, adding a delightfully tousled texture. Set against a theatrical backdrop of dark green foliage, each flower dazzles with colourful splendour.
These bold blooms will invigorate your container and bedding displays, producing a continuous show for months on end. Perfect for bringing brightness to the summer garden, even when the skies are grey.