The Queen named Lily of the Valley as her favourite flower – the beautiful, pearl-like ivory bells have featured heavily in royal wedding bouquets, signifying love and fidelity. The distinctive, heady aroma of these humble blooms is often used in luxury perfumes.
‘Berlin Giant’ is an improved strain, with larger blooms and taller stems than the standard varieties, earning itself an RHS Award of Garden Merit. Lily of the Valley pips will quickly naturalise into impressive drifts in the right setting, thriving in shady woodland environments.
The elongated stems of ‘Berlin Giant’ make it the ultimate cut flower to fill your home with fragrance.
Convallaria will thrive and multiply happily in a semi-shaded location, with well-drained soil which remains slightly moist at all times.
Although September and October are optimum planting months, Lily of the Valley may be planted at any time of year, providing the ground is not frozen.
Soak the roots before planting 5cm deep and 15cm apart in the soil.
Ensure consistent moisture, especially after planting. Prefers sandy soil which is slightly acidic.
During the first year, few flowers may be produced during a settling in period. Once established, expect a profusion of highly perfumed charming white bells on stems 20-30cm tall.